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Surveying Revolution Bike Park with Drone LiDAR & Photogrammetry

The Challenge

The challenge involved surveying the site's steep terrain and quarries whilst maintaining a uniform Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) across the entire site. This was crucial to ensure consistent image resolution and accuracy, which is essential for high-quality data analysis and mapping. The diverse and rugged landscape presented significant obstacles, as variations in elevation and rough terrain could lead to inconsistencies in data collection.

In addition to this, we needed to provide ultra-high-resolution data of key features of the bike park. These features included trails, jumps, and other critical infrastructure that required detailed imagery and precise measurements to support maintenance, planning, and enhancement efforts. Achieving this level of detail necessitated the use of advanced drone technology equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors.

Moreover, we had to deliver highly accurate topographical survey data. This involved creating detailed maps that accurately represented the site's elevation changes and terrain contours. Such data is vital for various applications, including erosion control, drainage planning, and the design of new trails or features within the bike park.

Point cloud representation of Revolution Bike Park captured and processed by Team UAV

The Solution

Our solution involved deploying advanced, specialised technology to address the site's complex terrain accurately. Initially, we needed to ensure a consistent Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) across the site. To achieve this, we conducted a preliminary terrain mapping flight, capturing detailed data which we processed using our photogrammetry software. This data was then integrated into the flight planning software for subsequent flights, enabling the drone to follow the exact terrain contours and maintain a consistent altitude and GSD.

Equipped with a high-resolution 48MP camera and an optimised flight plan, our drone captured detailed images of the trail features, allowing us to create a highly detailed 3D model.

The high-resolution sensor ensured that every feature of the trail, from minor bumps to significant jumps, was captured with exceptional clarity. The optimised flight plan allowed for overlapping images, enhancing the quality and accuracy of the 3D model through photogrammetric processing.

LiDAR Sensor onboard Team UAV drone

The final step involved processing the data and uploading it to our cloud-based sharing platform. This platform provides the Revs team with a suite of analytical tools to measure length, area, and volume, view slope angles, and access detailed terrain and elevation data. The cloud platform supports collaborative work by enabling multiple stakeholders to access and analyse the data in real-time. Additionally, the data can be exported in various standard formats such as DXF, SHP, and LAS for seamless integration with their architectural, design, or GIS programmes, facilitating detailed planning and design processes.

By employing these advanced methods and technologies, we ensured that the survey was not only accurate and comprehensive but also efficient and safe, reducing the need for manual intervention in hazardous areas. This holistic approach provided the Revs team with valuable insights and precise data, essential for the ongoing development and maintenance of the bike park.

Key Features of the Survey

LiDAR Technology:
Our LiDAR sensor played a pivotal role in penetrating dense vegetation across the bike park, accurately capturing the ground profile and providing a clear view of the terrain beneath the tree canopy. This advanced technology operates by emitting laser pulses that can penetrate through the foliage, reflecting back from the ground and other structures. By measuring the time it takes for these pulses to return, the sensor creates precise, high-resolution 3D maps of the terrain.

The detailed elevation data collected by our LiDAR system revealed critical natural terrain features such as high points, slopes, drops, ridges, and fall lines. These features are essential for planning and designing trails that are both challenging and enjoyable for riders. The LiDAR data enabled the team to identify optimal paths, avoiding potential obstacles and leveraging natural contours to enhance the trail's flow and difficulty.

Additionally, the LiDAR technology provided valuable insights into areas that are typically difficult to survey with traditional methods, such as densely wooded sections and steep slopes. By offering a comprehensive view of the underlying terrain, our LiDAR sensor facilitated the integration of the bike park’s natural landscape into the trail design process.

With this detailed information, the team can plan routes that make full use of the woodland’s natural features, ensuring that trails are sustainable and minimize environmental impact. The ability to accurately map and analyze the terrain beneath the tree canopy allows for strategic placement of trails, optimising rider experience while preserving the natural beauty and integrity of the park.

Woodland area captured with LiDAR before running the classifcation filter to remove trees

Woodland area captured with LiDAR after running the classifcation filter to remove trees - the terrain is beneath is now visible

A section through showing the terrain beneath the canopy at the click of a button

Photogrammetry Data Capture and Processing:

Our photogrammetry technology was transformative in modelling the 50:01 and Vision Line trails, enabling detailed analysis and planning. Photogrammetry works by capturing multiple overlapping high-resolution images of the site. Each image consists of millions of pixels, with each pixel representing the smallest unit of the image. The process involves taking photographs from various angles, which ensures that each point on the ground is captured from multiple perspectives.

These images are then processed using specialised photogrammetry software, which identifies common points in overlapping images. The software uses these common points to calculate the exact position of each pixel in three-dimensional space, assigning them X, Y, and Z coordinates. This process, known as triangulation, involves complex algorithms that match pixels from different images to build a precise 3D model of the terrain. The result is an accurate representation of the surface, with each pixel mapped to a specific geographic location.

Ultra high-resolution 3D model of 50:01 line at Revolution Bike Park captured and processed by Team UAV

Using this method, we achieved an impressive resolution of under 0.5 cm/px. This means that each pixel in the image represents less than half a centimetre on the ground, ensuring that even the smallest features of the trails are meticulously documented. The high-resolution data allows for precise cut and fill volumetric calculations. This is crucial for understanding how much material is being used, how it could be redistributed if needed, and where adjustments might be necessary. For instance, the data can identify where slopes on jumps might need reshaping or where landings could be refined to enhance safety and performance. This level of detail ensures that every aspect of the trail can be optimised for rider experience and sustainability.

Furthermore, the photogrammetry data facilitates the planning and design process by providing accurate topographical information. This enables the team to create trails that leverage natural features and contours of the landscape while minimizing environmental impact. The ability to visualize the terrain in 3D helps in making informed decisions about trail alignment and design modifications.

Another section of iconic 50:01 line at Revolution Bike Park captured by Team UAV using drone photogrammetry techniques

One of the most exciting aspects of this technology is its potential for rider engagement. By making the photogrammetry data open source and available to all, riders can preview tracks, take measurements, and even explore the park virtually. This could be done through interactive maps or virtual reality (VR) simulations, allowing riders to experience the trails from anywhere. Such accessibility not only enhances rider preparation and safety but also fosters a deeper connection with the park.

Additionally, regular photogrammetry missions provide an invaluable tool for maintenance and monitoring. The detailed 3D models allow for regular assessments of trail conditions, identifying areas that require repair or adjustment. This proactive approach ensures that the trails remain in optimal condition, providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all users.

Detailed Visualisation and Measurement Capabilities

Our software provides stakeholders with access to the data set, enabling them to carry out their own various measurements and analyses. This can include everyone from the architects planning the civils to the dig team on the ground building the trails, the local council, woodland trusts, and environmental agencies. Each user can be given the set permissions from view only to full management.

A material stockpile on the bike park, by drawing a box around the stockpile they are instantly presented with the volume data

Measurement Tools:

  • Our tools allow for the measurement of slope in degrees or percentages, distance between features (e.g., lips and landings), degree of berms, height of drops, angles and radius measurements of lips and take-offs, and material volume calculations.

  • We also offer change measurement over time, providing a quick analysis of how a jump or feature has changed. This is a critical safety point that ensures features are in top condition.

  • Elevation models, terrain models, contours, and section-through cuts are available.

Benefits for Architects and Landowners

LiDAR data provides architects and landowners with highly accurate and detailed 3D models of the terrain and landscape, allowing for a better understanding of existing site conditions. The precise elevation data, including natural features like rivers, lakes, and vegetation, enables architects to design buildings and structures that seamlessly integrate with the surrounding environment. Additionally, digital elevation models and contour maps derived from LiDAR data inform the optimal placement of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure, minimising environmental impact. Landowners can also monitor their property over time, detecting changes in the landscape for better land management.

Planning for Civils and Utilities:

  • Architects can use the data to plan for civils, utilities, and connections to the grid and other utility networks, specifically useful for the placement and connection of underground pipes. External data can be overlaid on the photogrammetry or LiDAR map, and data can be exported directly into the architects' CAD or GIS programs, drastically reducing the time from conception to implementation.

Benefits for Bike Park Designers

The high-resolution 3D data from LiDAR surveys helps bike park designers create accurate terrain models, facilitating the design of engaging and challenging trails that blend naturally with the landscape.

Utilising Natural Terrain Features:

  • LiDAR data can identify hidden terrain features that can improve trail design. Leveraging existing natural elements can reduce the need for expensive materials like stone and dirt.

  • Dangerous features like steep slopes, drops, and rock faces can enhance red and black trails, downhill and freeride trails, and blue and green trails to build riders' confidence. Natural terrain features can also be utilised to enhance blue and green trails.

Improved Trail Planning:

  • The ability to visualise the terrain in 3D allows designers to experiment with various trail layouts and features, ensuring an optimal riding experience.

  • The data assists in planning supporting infrastructure such as access roads, parking areas, and amenities, ensuring the bike park is well-integrated into the surrounding environment.

  • It enabled the design team to identify the most efficient push-up and pedal-up routes, ensuring riders remain energised and the park enjoyable.


At Team UAV, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with modern surveying technology. Our adoption of drone-based photogrammetry and LiDAR has revolutionised the surveying process, providing highly accurate, detailed 3D models that enhance visualisation, measurement, and planning capabilities. This case study demonstrates how our innovative approach not only overcomes the limitations of traditional methods but also adds immense value through practical applications and improved project outcomes.

Explore how Team UAV can transform your surveying needs with our cutting-edge technology. Watch the video from Tim and the team at Revolution Bike Park and contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist with your next project.

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